Who is Jesus?
Jesus is the way
At the heart of the Christian faith is a person: Jesus Christ.
The visible image of the invisible God.
It is through Jesus that God reconciled everything to Himself and made peace with everything in Heaven and on Earth.
It is through Jesus that we now have a life-giving way to the Father.
Jesus is the Truth
The answers to life’s hardest questions are found in Jesus.
Jesus doesn’t just speak truth, He is truth.
He makes our understanding come alive so that we can know by experience the One who is true.
Jesus is the Life
John 10:10 Jesus says ‘I have come that you may have life and have it to the full.’
Jesus came to deal with the things that spoil our life and relationship with Him. Things such as sin, guilt and shame. God loves us so much that He came in the person of His Son, Jesus, to set us free to enjoy life to the full.
Why Jesus
We were created to live in perfect relationship with God. But when humanity sinned against Him, that relationship was broken. A Just and Holy God, He could not be in the presence of Sin; and made of dust, we could never live up to His glorious standards on our own.
To restore the relationship, a price would need to be paid.
A perfect, sinless sacrifice that would not only pay the penalty of sin (death) but would conquer it making us right with God and free to live for Him again.
From the beginning God has desired to walk with us. He loves us.
He paid the ransom to restore our relationship by sending His Son Jesus as a sacrifice to take away our sins.
Now whoever believes that Jesus sacrificed His life and shed His blood for us are made right with God – good for all time.
It is in believing in Jesus, the perfect sacrifice, conqueror of sin and death that we have a Way to the Father, that we behold the Truth and we can receive Life.
“You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for He forgave all our sins. He cancelled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross.”
- (Col 2:13-14)
What Now?
You can begin a relationship with God right now by praying a short prayer that asks God for forgiveness, accepts Jesus as Lord and Saviour, and make a commitment to follow him.
Dear Jesus,
I ask for your forgiveness for all the times I have got it wrong. I thank you for taking my place on the cross, for paying the price I could not pay, and for making a way for me to have a relationship with you. I place my faith and trust in you as my saviour and I choose today to make you the Lord of my life. Empower me to live every day for you.
In Jesus name I pray,